着物生活 The life of kimono

着物生活 4週目(2/21~2/27) The life of kimono week 4.












I live in a kimono without much inconvenience. The sleeves of the kimono are long, but it does not bother me because I am wearing a trainer from above.

The hem of the kimono does not feel very difficult to move. It is troublesome to be careful not to collapse the hem when I go into the kotatsu.

The good thing is that I eat less than I did when I wore cloth.

And it is warm. There was a day when I spent only half a day in kimono. I wore wide pants, fluffy tights, and socks because my lower body was cold.

When I wear a kimono, I wear yumoji, susoyoke, socks and yukata. Socks are the same. However, everything else is thin cotton, so it is not warm material. But I feel warm because there is a lot of cloth around my stomach.


I can not use it well yet. The basic use of it feels a little loose to me . So I am trying various positions and combinations to tie them.

I`ve been trying it in a good way for the few days. It is a way to tie the yumoji and susoyoke independently, but it supports the abdomen very well.

Each person has a different body shape and has the strength of his or her favorite tightness. It touches my body directly, so I want to slowly discover my own style.

I am sorry for my poor English.

Thank you for reading through to end.